We don’t get white Christmases very often on the Outer Banks. In fact, they’re almost as rare as a confirmed sighting of Santa Claus coming down a chimney. We checked the records and the last time there was snow at Christmas around here was 1989. That was a record-breaking storm that brought with it single-digit temperatures.
That seems to be more than a once in a lifetime event. After an evening of research, we finally found a reference that said the last time before the 1989 storm that there was a white Outer Bank Christmas was 1874. Figuring one white Christmas every 115 years, we’ll gas up the snowplows in the year 2104.
Nonetheless, the spirit of Christmas if very much alive and well on the Outer Banks. Our Kitty Hawk Kites stores are always stocked full of lots of fun stuff for kids. And a lot of what makes the holidays so special is watching the joy on a child’s face when they open a special gift.
Of course, it’s more than that. Because what the kids represent is family, tradition and the love that binds generations together. Within that joy a child feels in getting a special gift is a lesson about the joy of giving. For mirrored in the child’s delight are the emotions the parents feel in giving that gift. It’s not a lesson an eight-year-old would know, it is one that an 18-year-old will remember.
The Outer Banks at Christmas is a remarkable place. A place where family, tradition and a wonderful community spirit come together to create the best of lasting memories.
It is with that hope that all of your Christmas memories for this year and every year will be the best that the Kitty Hawk Kites family of employees wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.