Have you ever been to a kite festival? If you haven't, you should! And if you have, you need to go to more! kite festivals are not only fun family-friendly free events. They are also a whimsical celebration of child-like wonder and relaxation.
There is nothing quite like wandering around in the beautiful outdoors, normally in beach areas, or amazing open landscapes, enjoying the enormous kites that line the sky. children and adults alike stand in awe at the immense size and craftsmanship of these flying machines!
A Weekend of Fun!
This past weekend, we had the pleasure of attending the Cape Fear Kite Festival down in Carolina Beach and it was phenomenal! There were tons of kite flyers out with their big kites, line laundry and inflatables, ground bouncers, stunt kites, single line kites, feather banners, and so much more!
It was amazing to see how many kites fit on that small stretch of beach!
Perfect Weather
The weather was perfect both days of the kite festival. Everyone was so friendly, conversing about the kites, the flyers, and the children running around in play. Families brought picnic baskets, tents, and their pets. They just spent time lounging on the beach, enjoying the kites and flying their own.
It really was a perfect weekend of fun for all!
Check out Kitty Hawk Kites' upcoming sponsored kite festivals, check out our events page. And to get more information about the Cape Fear Kite Festival, head on over to the Cape Fear Kite Festival Facebook page.
You can see the whole album of photos and videos we took at the 2019 Cape Fear Kite Festival in our Cape Fear Kite Festival Album.
Submitted by: Kirsten Bissell