Find An Open Space
Select an area that is clear of obstacles like houses, trees, and power lines. Beaches and parks are usually good locations, but remember that kites can crash and be destroyed by the waves. Fly only where the kite will not create a hazard.

When & Where To Fly A Kite
Kites can be flown at any time of the year as long as the wind is right. We recommended that you observe the wind range for your type of kite. Do not fly a kite on days when the wind is too strong for the type of kite you are flying. This will only damage the kite. Most kites should not be flown in more than 20 mph. Never fly in rain or lightning. Electricity in clouds is attracted to damp kite lines and you could get hurt.
Never fly near power lines. If your kite gets tangled in power line, drop the string to the ground and call your local power company for help. Some power lines carry extremely high voltages.
- Keep your kite line dry. Kite string or kites can become conductors of electricity if they are damp
- Avoid power lines. You could be killed or seriously injured if your kite gets tangled on a high voltage power line
- Stay inside during storms.
- Always observe local air safety regulations. Avoid flying in air traffic patterns close to airports
- Wear gloves when flying large kites. Large kites can be dangerous and require extra care.
- Always use a release system. A large kite can drag you.
Do Not:
- Try to get the kite down yourself
- Let the line run through your fingers or hands at a fast rate- it will burn or cut you
- Use blades or pointed objects on a kite or line
- Throw heavy objects at an entrapped kite. Instead, try to let the kite fly itself free
- Use wire as flying line
- Fly a kite during an approaching storm or in rain, as a wet line will conduct electricity
Knots MPH Wind Scale Name
4-6 4-7 Leaves rustle – Light Wind Speed
7-10 8-12 Small flags – fly Gentle Wind Speed
11-16 13-18 Dust flies – Moderate Wind Speed
17-21 19-24 Trees sway – flying risky – Fresh and Crisp Wind Speed
22-27 25-31 Trees bend – do not fly – Strong Wind Speed

thank you for the article
[…] Just remember to stay relaxed and don’t over correct. Looking for more information? Take a look at our kite flying tips. […]