A Successful First-Annual Hatteras Kite Expo
A quick report on the First-Annual Hatteras Kite Expo and [...]
The “Key” to Great Customer Service
Thanks to Nick, Waves Village property and marketing manager, for sharing [...]
Optimism Will Take You Anywhere
When I first heard that Kitty Hawk Kites would host [...]
Lessons learned hangin’ out at the Spectacular
Marc from the marketing department here. Since this was my [...]
Hurry up and wait – day 2 on the dunes
Take a look back on day 2 on the dunes [...]
39th Annual Hang Gliding Spectacular – Day 1
So, the 39th Annual Hang Gliding Spectacular got off the [...]
Check out stories from many of our popular adventures including Hang Gliding, Kayaking, Kiteboarding, Parasailing and much more!
Kite Flying
We have been teaching the world to fly since 1974 so we know a thing or two about kite flying.
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