November 2, 2012

Waves Village Resort – Hurricane Sandy Update

would like to thank everyone for their calls and e-mails before, during, and after the storm.  All of our stores and staff are unharmed and luckily have only experienced minor inconveniences when compared to many of our neighbors and friends in the Northeast.

Many of our customers and friends are located in coastal communities up and down the East Coast and we know a large portion of our customers have experienced significant losses.  Our thoughts go out to you for your challenges and wish you a speedy recovery.

We have been working diligently to re-open our stores and our kiteboarding resort is open now!  The Kiteboarding Resort location on is open and the prized kiteboarding location is safe for kiteboarding and we want to welcome you to come enjoy the incredible winds that we have been experiencing since the storm.  We have had kiteboarders here the past two days enjoy the westerly flow.

Hatteras Island is open to visitors!  While Highway 12 road repairs are finishing, the ferry system has opened up 10 ferries to bring you across from Stumpy Point, NC directly to Rodanth/Waves, NC.  This is a great ferry ride with breathtaking views coming in to Hatteras Island!  The ferry lands only ¼ to the North of our kiteboarding resort!  You can also access Hatteras Island via the Swan Quarters ferry system via Island.

operations are also running to provide amazing experiences!

Kitty Hawk is committed to support the water sports community return in a vibrant fashion.

We are here… we are your neighbors… we are your friends!

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One Comment

  1. Bill Willis November 8, 2012 at 6:41 pm - Reply

    Hello…wondering if Phil Broder is still with Ya. I met him at Manteo store back in 10/1995 and remembered he was a Clemson Grad too (1990) and from Chicago. I'm Bill Willis of Hilton Head Island, SC and a 1966 Grad..and would like to just say hello and GoTiGERs! My Email is:

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