June 2, 2022

50th Annual Hang Gliding Spectacular Recap

Thanks for making this year's competition the most SPECTACULAR one yet!

Winner's Circle

108 Pilots were registered to fly in the Spectacular, the largest number of pilots to date. With so many pilots on one sand dune, we could only complete 2 rounds of . Which meant our competitors had to make every count! Congratulations to all of our competitors this year for their flights. And congratulations to our winners below!

Dune Novice Division

1st Place: Larsen Christiansen, 2nd Place: Oliver Denton, 3rd Place: Jude Denton

Dune Advanced Division

1st Place: Josh Laufer, 2nd Place: Kevin Coltrane, 3rd Place: Nic Baack

Hall of Fame

This year, the Rogallo Foundation inducted two members into its Hall of Fame. Rick Jacob and Vic Powell.

Rick Jacob discovered the sport of hang gliding in 1981. And in 1988 he co-founded the Sequatchie Valley Soaring Supply – a – in Eastern Tennessee. In 2011, Rick was introduced to and brought the sport to the Sequatchie Valley. He was instrumental in this foot-launched aviation renaissance and is affectionately referred to as “The King” by the paragliding community. The -flight community has and will continue to benefit from the tireless efforts and selfless service of Rick Jacob.

We can all thank Vic for founding this event originally, as the tactile flight meet 50 years ago. Kitty Hawk took over the Tactile Flight meet in 1974 and Vic continued to do everything he could to promote it and hang gliding. He was a great ambassador for the sport. Vic went on to become president of USHPA and established good working relationships with the FAA and the National Park Service. Vic was a founding member of the Rogallo Foundation in 1992 and enlisted a friend of his to design the Rogallo Foundation logo and the Rogallo print given to the honoree(s) each year.

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One Comment

  1. Josh Laufer June 3, 2022 at 1:10 am - Reply

    Thanks for a great competition! Can someone send me the pic from the top of the post (and any other taken of me or Andy Beem) I don't have a pics of me landing in the bullseye.

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