August 12, 2011

The Sure Cure for “Melon”choly

Have the Chicken Little talking heads who’ve commandeered your regularly-scheduled programming gotten you into a sad state of money-worry melancholy?

Sure, we could sit around and fret about the future like everyone else, but we’re a company that specializes in FUN, not fear. And yesterday, at the Kitty Hawk Kites OBX Watermelon Festival, we found a sure cure for all that worry: Good ol’ fashioned backyard fun. So, here’s the Official Kitty Hawk Kites Guide to Not Feeling Stressed Out By All The Bad News on the News:

  1. Turn off the news.
  2. Eat watermelon.
  3. Play silly, but highly entertaining, backyard games.
  4. Fly a kite (recommended by nine out of ten economic analysts to lower anxiety).
  5. Relax and get yourself into an “Outer Banks” state of mind.

The OBX Watermelon Festival is pure Americana – a chance to indulge in the things that make us great AND to raise money for the Wright Flight program, which helps 5th graders excel academically and learn how to set and achieve goals. (Look for news on how much we raised soon!) What’s more American than eating watermelon, spitting seeds, and helping kids?

flying monkey tic-tac-toe at the OBX watermelon festival

We didn’t hear any discussion about 401K accounts from contestants vying for top honors in the much-coveted seed-spitting contest. There was little discussion of troubled asset relief amongst flying monkey tic-tac-toe participants. And precious little was heard about international credit rating declines from the shallows of the dunking booth.

Water dunking tank at OBX watermelon festival
Bouncy house

Now, don’t you feel better already?

Originally posted on Aug. 12, 2011. Updated on Jan. 23, 2020.

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