Possible storm tracks of Invest 90 once Tropical Storm Erika. Weather Underground.
Living on the Outer Banks during hurricane season you tend to focus your attention a little bit more on weather forecasts and tropical developments. It’s not an obsession by any means. Anyone who has lived here for any length of time, quickly learns that having a hurricane make landfall locally is the exception and not the rule, but simple prudence dictates a little more attention.
And then came Tropical Storm Erika . . . never quite Hurricane Erika . . . now remnant low Invest 90.
If there has ever been a tropical system that was more confusing to predict, left meteorologists scratching their heads, no one seems to recall what it was.
At one point in time, there were a number of tracks making a beeline to the Outer Banks, although to their credit, the National Hurricane Center was continually using the phrase, “low confidence” when they made their predictions.
This has been nicely quiet year for tropical development in the Atlantic basin so far, and we’ll cross our fingers and hope it stays that way. Fall is, if you ask almost any local, the very best time to visit—hurricanes notwithstanding, because they really are quite the rare event on the Outer Banks.