Anna Tedesco is an adventure pilot. She lives her life with purpose and intention. Anna is a sponsored skier, a certified pilot, an avid kite surfer, and former Kitty Hawk Kites tug pilot. Her story is not just about achieving great heights in her career. It’s also about learning to appreciate life’s ups and downs and staying present in the moment.
Taking on New Heights
Anna’s approach to life is grounded in her daily practice. She checks in with herself to stay focused on her goals and aspirations. She recognizes the importance of staying present with her job, education, friends, and family. All while still pursuing her love for skiing and adventure.

Her mantra from 2020, “Learn from the darkness, lean towards the light,” speaks to the challenges she has faced and the lessons she has learned along the way. Anna’s experience has taught her that only the lowest lows can give us greater appreciation for the sweet highs in life. She encourages others to relish in the darkness, learn from it, and look for the silver linings.
Living the Van Life
Anna lived the van life for five years before becoming a bush pilot in Alaska. Her Instagram profile is Outdoor Magazine-worthy, with over 11,000 followers. But she is humble and transparent about the less glamorous aspects of her life. She reminds her followers that social media can make us feel like we’re never in the right place at the right time. But we can trust the process and remember that we are where we are supposed to be.
“If I’ve learned one thing in my early ‘adult’ life, it’s that if you MAKE time to do what sets your soul on fire, the rest will fall into place.”

Anna living up the van life on her third year of van life anniversary.
Anna Tedesco is a true inspiration for women everywhere who want to live their lives with purpose, intention, and adventure. Her story is a reminder that we can pursue our passions and achieve our goals while staying grounded and present in the moment.
Join Her on Her Adventure
Find Anna on instagram @annatabasco or TikTok @anna.tabasco